South Australian Nature Alliance

South Australia is home to an astounding variety of environments: from spectacular coastlines to arid ranges, dense Mallee to stony deserts, farmlands and urban parks to expansive, ephemeral wetlands and remote wilderness. A healthy environment is vital for our wellbeing, our economy and for our climate. Natural areas are used by people from all walks of life for adventure, exploring, healing and renewal.

Thousands of jobs in South Australia depend on a healthy and productive environment – particularly our food, wine and other agricultural industries.

The climate emergency and extinction crisis are reshaping our world.

It is vital that we scale up the restoration of natural areas to prevent further loss of biodiversity and protect the natural capital that underpins life.

The South Australian Nature Alliance vision is for nature protection to be at the heart of all decision making with South Australia a world leader in protecting and restoring nature’s life support systems.

Learn MORE about our vision

Our Impact

We work across over 1 million square kilometres

We work with over 1,200 landholders and all councils across the state.

We are supported by 270, 000 people

We engage volunteers for more than
900, 000 hours annually